Monday, March 18, 2013

Two Blind Men - Matthew 9:27-31

Two Blind Men - Matthew 9:27-31

“According to your faith will it be done to you” – is this the same as “forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespass against us”? That in some respect we must participate with Jesus in our healing; we bear some responsibility.  When Jesus asks “Do you believe I am able to do this?” Those with just a little faith, will receive just a little healing; When we pray to be forgiven as we have forgiven others, and if our forgiveness of others is small, so will God’s forgiveness of us?

When Jesus says “See that no one knows about this,” he has just said it to two formerly blind men, who until just a few moments ago would not been able to see anything, let alone that no one else knows about this.

Interesting that the story starts outside, and they follow him in.  There must be more to this story, some details as to why this part was omitted.  Yet in reading this, I understand that sometimes we don’t have to leave the room right away, but linger, and see what God does in that room or our lives when there is nothing pressing that is next. 

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