Three stories of the blind being healed
This week we complete the miracle-healing stories of Jesus,
and one of our readings ends with the same account of a blind man/men being healed, but
remembered differently by each of the synaptic gospel writers. What stands out to me in this reading is how
desperate the blind men to be healed. They shouted out, and when the crowd rebuked
them (same in each account) they shouted even louder.
Similar in each story was the question Jesus asked: “What do you want me to do for you?”
A: “Lord, I want to see."
At healing services we hold, when people come forward to be anointed or to ask for
healing, I usually ask something along the lines of “How would you like to be healed?” I like the way Jesus asked much better: "What would you like me to do for you"
So maybe I could say: “What would you like Jesus to do for you?”
A: I want to see, I want children, I don’t want to be afraid, my children are far from the Kingdom, I hurt, I can't forgive, I don't want to be overweight...
And then we could say:
Receive ____________, your faith has healed you. Go, your faith has healed you.
And then add: It is done!